THE APHELION Announce New Album “Nascence” And Singles “Deserter” and “Flight”

«a • phe • li • on»

The point in the orbit of a planet, asteroid, or comet at which it is furthest from the sun.”

🔸 Hard-hitting progressive metal band, The Aphelion, from Ottawa, Canada proudly announces the release of their upcoming album “Nascence” coming out on August 9th, 2024, and they have two music videos already out for the debut singles “Deserter” and “Flight”.

THE APHELION Announce New Album “Nascence” And Singles “Deserter” and “Flight”

🔸 The album is one half a pair, an enrapturing concept album that tells the story of a man’s descent into madness and his own mind in response to the mundanity and repetitiveness of the world around him.

(by) Hiscio

🔸 Since their formation in 2015, The Aphelion has built a reputation for their innovative sound, dramatic flair, and emotional depth. Their music is complex, with unexpected shifts in genre to create contrast and bring levity. The singles are available on YouTube and recommended for fans of Haken, Leprous, and Opeth.

«Deserter was the obvious choice for a lead single; it’s a great cross-section of what the rest of the album has in store and a barnstormer of a tune from the first second to the last. The live reception to this song has always been big so we tried to capture that energy on the record”

🔸 The album finale “Deserter” is a culmination of all of the sounds across this album, and features indulgent non-linear songwriting tied together with catchy choruses. The song pushes each member to their limit at one point or another across its runtime and features complex polymeters and incredibly fast passages.

🔸 “Flight” is by far the heaviest song on the album, an homage to thrash metal and prog death giants such as Gojira. It moves at a near break-neck pace across its nearly seven-minute track time across blistering solos, thrashy riffs, and pummeling breakdowns.

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